弁理士募集中 - Intl. Patents & Trademarks in Jpana, Office Matsunaga

松永特許事務所 - IP & Trademarks in Japan

AEA - Association of European Attorneys

Office Overview
OFFICE MATSUNAGA- Intl. Patents and Trademarks, was established by Nobuyuki Matsunaga, a Japanese Patent Attorney, in 1972. Being organized by patent attorneys and technical and legal assistants, the firm handles patents, especially in mechanical, electrical, electronic, chemical and pharmaceutical fields of art, and trademarks. It also handles patent litigation as well as trademark and unfair competition cases with associated lawyers.
Notice/ お知らせ
On February 1, 2012, OFFICE MATSUNAGA- Intl. Patents and Trademarks, joined “Miyoshi & Miyoshi” in Tokyo to strengthen our IP professional services, and all our businesses relating to prosecutions with the Patent and Trademark Offices in and out of Japan will be combined with those of “Miyoshi & Miyoshi”. With respect to new and pending applications, annuity payments, renewal applications and our all services related thereto, from February 1, 2012, please direct all your communications to us at Tokyo Office of “Miyoshi & Miyoshi” of which particulars are as follows:

Address: Toranomon Kotohira Tower 23F 2-8 Toranomon 1-chome Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001
Phone: +81-3-3504-3075
Website: www.miyoshipat.co.jp
Email: matsunaga@miyoshipat.co.jp

Nobuyuki Matsunaga, will handle all prosecution cases at “Miyoshi & Miyoshi” and all litigation cases at OFFICE MATSUNAGA- Intl. Patents and Trademarks.

松永特許事務所は,平成24年(2012年)21日,内外国出願業務を三好内外国特許事務所(〒105-0001 東京都港区虎ノ門1-2-8虎ノ門琴平タワー23階/TEL: 03-3504-3075Website: www.miyoshipat.co.jp)と併合いたしました。所長弁理士松永宣行は,三好内外国特許事務所において顧問として内外国出願業務に従事のほか,松永特許事務所において調査・鑑定・判定・異議審判・調停・訴訟・会社顧問等の出願業務外業務に従事させていただきます。

OFFICE MATSUNAGA-Intl. Patents & Trademarks

Website: www.matsunaga.com

Mr. Nobuyuki Matsunaga is a Japanese Patent Attorney and majored in Structural Mechanics (BCE) and Law (LL.B).  He was initially employed as an engineer at an electric machinery and ironwork company in Tokyo and then at an engineering consultant company in Osaka; before going on to work as a patent attorney at Yuasa & Hara and then a mediator of Tokyo District Court in the field of Intellectual Property.  In 1972 he established Office Matsunaga -Intl. Patents & Trademarks where he specialized in patent and trademark prosecutions and litigation.  He handled appeals against decisions of the JPO, infringement litigation of patent, trademark and design rights and supported resolution of IP disputes outside Japan.  Much of his support included litigation outside Japan, especially in France, Australia, Korea, Taiwan, USA and Malaysia.  In 2012 he assumed an advisor in the field of prosecution both nationally and internationally to Miyoshi & Miyoshi.  Mr. Matsunaga has written numerous papers for JPAA’s journal including: "Amendment to the specification of allowed patent (1) and (2)", "Timely decision on the invalidation trial", "Essay on amendment to Article 102 of the Patent Law--Right to demand royalty coexisting right to demand compensation for damage--", "Essay on amendment to Article 71-2 of the Patent Law--Establishment of a support system for an infringement court examining validity of patent", "Invalidation of patent and abuse of right", "Refusal of Re-Examiner in Invalidation Trial", "Essay on the 5th Requirement for Infringement under the Doctrine of Equivalents -Circumstances not falling within the Category of Special Circumstances" and ", "Essay on the 5th Requirement for Infringement under the Doctrine of Equivalents-Factors for Finding Intentional Exclusion Viewed from Precedents" and "Exercise of Utility Model Right and other due diligence".  





  • 「訂正明細書補正論」(Amendments to Corrected Specification-Does a Change of a corrected matter come under a change of “Gist of Demand”- / 1990, Vol. 43, No.9)
  • 「訂正明細書補正論(U)」(Amendments to Corrected Specification (U)-Does a Change of a corrected matter come under a change of “Gist of Demand”- / 1991, Vol. 44, No.3)
  • 「無効審判の適時審決」(Timely Rendering of Decision in Trials for Patent Invalidation / 1996, Vol. 49, No.2
  • 102条(損害額の推定)改正試論」(Essay on Amendment of Article 102 of the Patent Law-Right to damage Royalty coexisting right to damage Compensation for damage- / 1999, Vol.52, No.5
  • 71条の2(技術的範囲の鑑定)改正試論」(Essay of Amendment of Article 71-2 of the Patent Law-Establishment of a Support System for an Infringement Court examining Validity of Patent- / 2000, Vol.53, No.11
  • 「審判官の忌避」(Essay on Refusal of Re-Examiner-Admissibility of Participation in a Decision of an Invalidation Trial by a Re-Examiner who participated in a Decision of an Opposition- / 2003, Vol.56, No. 7
  • 「無効理由の存在と権利濫用」(Misuse of a Patent Right in the presence of grounds for Invalidation- / 2002-12-17(社)発明協会発行-大場正成先生喜寿記念論文集『特許侵害訴訟の潮流』p.59
  • 「均等侵害第D要件試論−特段の事情に当たらない事情−」(Essay on the 5th Requirement for Invalidation under the Doctrine of Equivalents-Circumstances not falling within the Category of Special Circumstances- / 2013, Vol. 66, No. 13
  • 「均等侵害第D要件論−判決例にみる意識的除外認定要素−」(Essay on the 5th Requirement for Infringement under the Doctrine of Equivalents-Factors for Finding Intentional Exclusion Viewed from Precedents- / 2016, Vol. 69, No. 8)
  • 「「実用新案権の行使と「その他相当の注意」(Exercise of Utility Model Right and other due diligence/2021 Vol. 74 No.1) 
Copyrights (C) 2006 OFFICE MATSUNAGA Intl. Patents & Trademarks. All rights reserved.